The Power of Prayer-Beyond Science And Numbers: A Remarkable Story

Mugdha Pradhan
3 min readSep 30, 2023

With my work at iThrive, I have always been committed to bringing the most effective and evidence-based holistic healthcare solutions to the world. Our journey has been driven by a deep passion for healing and a relentless pursuit of well-being for our clients.

Today, I want to share with you a lesser-known aspect of our approach, one that may seem unconventional but has yielded extraordinary results — the power of group meditation and prayer with intention.

We understand that in our field, science and data play a crucial role. Our practice is firmly rooted in functional medicine, advanced diagnostics, and evidence-based therapies. However, there exists a dimension beyond scientific explanation, a realm where, among so many other things, the power of collective intention and spirituality can work wonders.

While this dimension is one that I, as you may well know, have explored a lot personally, I’m so glad to have been to bring it into our practice at iThrive.

Recently, we encountered a case that vividly illustrates this phenomenon. A client of ours was facing a grave health crisis, and it appeared that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. It was a moment of great concern for both our client and our entire team. However, it was also a moment that brought us together in a unique way.

The client services team, driven by their commitment to our client’s well-being, decided to explore alternative avenues of healing. It was then that we delved into the world of group meditation and prayer with a shared intention to facilitate healing. Guided by our collective belief in the power of the spiritual and the divine, we came together in a profound way to channel healing energy towards our client.

We prayed, we meditated, and we sent our collective intention for his recovery out into the universe. The transformation that followed was nothing short of remarkable. Within the span of just one day, our client was discharged from the hospital. The turnaround was astonishing, and it left us in awe of the incredible potential that exists beyond the boundaries of science-based medicine.

This experience reaffirmed our belief in the potency of prayer, in the profound impact of holding positive intentions for others, and in seeking health and healing from the Divine. It serves as a powerful reminder that healing transcends the confines of science and numbers. While we are steadfast in our commitment to evidence-based practices, we also understand that there are realms where science alone cannot provide all the answers.

My team and I iThrive will continue to explore every avenue that can lead to healing and restoration. We believe in the holistic nature of well-being, where the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected. Our journey extends beyond the physical, and it encompasses the spiritual and the emotional.

As we move forward, we invite you to join us in recognizing the profound potential that resides within us and around us.

Together, we can harness the power of collective intention, meditation, and prayer to facilitate healing in our lives and the lives of those we care about.

May the Light be with us all!



Mugdha Pradhan

A Functional Nutritionist and a TedX speaker, Mugdha Pradhan is the Founder of iThrive Healing and Beyond a revolutionary health and wellness startup